Proyecto Finalizado.

I publish and you have a laugh

Free spirited short stories of travel and other. Daring, adventurous, scary or simply funny. Pages of detail which will transport you.
I publish and you have a laugh
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Recaudó $ 60 USD
$ 60 USD
de $ 4,000 USD
  • 0 colaboradores
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I am going to publish a book of stories, stories of life experiences, some fun, other incredible ones, some of reflection, adventures and other, lived over more than 20 years of traveling, most of the time by sea. At the first publishing company I contacted in Uruguay (where I am at) a tiny but good one, I was welcomed very nicely and they were enamored with the content of the more than 150 pages of stories submitted, even though none of it had been edited yet. They immediately assured me that I had their seal to publish with however, given this is a tiny country and my name is an unknown one, I had to come up with most of the funds to pay for the editing and printing/publishing of the book. Hmmm. What to do so that these stories reach those who might enjoy them, be motivated by them, be transported in their imagination by them? This book would be such a great book to give to women of all ages, or to any human being for that matter, who might be entertained and maybe inspired by the content. The book will be printed in Spanish in Uruguay, but I make a promise to all foreign language contributors who choose the option of contributing with this project in exchange for a copy of the book, that if we reach the amount needed to publish, I will translate the entire book for you and mail it to you on a PDF version. (Give me time though! :-0) Will you make this dream possible? This is a project that is being pushed forward with the impulse generated by the comments of those who have read these stories through the years, friends and family who insisted I should put it all in a book. Stories of nerve wrecking sledge experience down a steep frozen former olympic track in Norway, or a flight in a scary propeller plane over the Caribbean islands, diving experiences, witnessing a lioness in the wild devouring a dead horse a few yards from me, as well as having been part of a sort of trial by community chiefs in a lost atoll of the Pacific for apparently not following some unknown and unwritten rule. How not leave these stories in writing for others to enjoy? And as I like to draw too, I hope to be able to draw small drawings at the beginning and end of each of the book's sections. It will look awesome. I'd be super thankful if you could join me in this venture. To all who believe that the fact a good book such as this one can be published, and will contribute to entertain, inspire and motivate others out there, raise your hand. Or better still, click to contribute in whichever form you want. I hope you'll come with me in this journey and that we will see this project turn into a book. Many thanks in advance!

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